Play-Mate of the Apes (2002 Video)
Lesbianism, Fake Boobs, Monkey Suits......
9 February 2011
This is a bad movie BUT it is intended to be a bad movie and does not take itself seriously at all. It is basically a vehicle to show soft core lesbian porn. Hence Im giving it a 5/10.

Basically its Planet of the Apes with lesbians. And that is the entire plot and storyline.There is no special effects and the costumes were probably bought at the dollar store.

Now the important part: The Lesbianism. Now if you have no access to porn or live in a very prudish, morally "upright" and sexually uptight community you will love it. But other then that it is rather boring. I mean its simulated (badly) sex. You see hotter stuff on mainstream movies IMO. Personally I didn't care for it as there were too many overly large man made breast. Misty Mundae looks cute if you are into the lolita look.

The thing that really turn me off was how nasty one of the "actress" look. bad fake boobs and she looked like a monkey (bad botox shots probably).

In summary, movie is OK if you want a laugh...thats it.
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