A quiet gem of a movie
3 March 2011
This is a rare movie: one that can hold the attention of adults while at the same time keeping children entranced.

That said, I have to add: this is not a movie for very young kids, who will not understand the mythology involved or "get" the plot. It is also not a film for people who are looking for a lot of action, special effects, cornball humor or over-the-top near-hysterical acting. It's a movie that works quietly for its effects.

The first thing I have to comment on is the beautiful setting of the film and the photography. The setting is the west coast of Ireland, in a small fishing village, and on the sea and the land around the village. I believe "Secret" is as successful at conveying the rugged beauty of this landscape and seascape as any movie made. No tricks, no special effects, just the beauty of a place that has a lot of history and mythology associated with it.

The actors and actresses in this film are not big names and not well-known, and I would say that this is a movie that is more story-driven than character-driven. At the same time, the lack of "name" actors or big bravura performances works to the advantage of the film, in that the personalities of the actors are submerged in the plot.

There is a lot of kindness in this film, and a sense of the people being really connected to one another and caring for and about each other, and about the land and time they live in. That's one of the things that I loved about this film: there are no real villains, nothing evil. Nobody is considered stupid or demeaned in any way. And yet there is a tension to the story, and a move towards resolution of a history that had sadness and tragedy in a way that is literally magical.

I loved this movie and I recommend it to anyone who can enjoy a movie that isn't big on action, that doesn't try to do more than tell a story in a way that's thoughtful and beautiful and makes you wish that you could find that kind of magic in your own life.
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