The Simpsons: Dial 'N' for Nerder (2008)
Season 19, Episode 14
Awesome and surprising episode
6 March 2011
Even though I still find myself enjoying the series after 20 years, believe it has maintained a degree of quality and integrity, gets unfairly over-criticized and under-acknowledged -just because it lacks Golden Age quality does not mean it's awful-, I can't deny my beloved Simpsons have been recycling story lines for years now, characters are a shadows of their former selves and seldom experience development and are sadly and blatantly exploited in search of a quick, cheap and forgettable laugh. The emotional weight that characterized the series and set it apart from the crowd has now been tossed aside.

It would seem that there is no other direction they could go that they haven't gone before but every once in a while comes an episode that breaths new life into the series. This episode features a surprising and unpredictable reversal of roles between Bart and Lisa whom we get to see the dark side of. Nelson plays an important and unusual part in it.

Not even the weaker Marge/Homer subplot is able to bring this episode down or prevent it from being one of the best of the last 10 years.
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