Sherrybaby (2006)
A Second Chance Doesn't Come Easy For SherryBaby
10 March 2011
With 'SherryBaby', director Laurie Collyer depicts the 'lower class' culture through the story of Sherry Swanson, an ex-convict and former drug addict who attempts to rebuild her life and her relationship with her daughter. She finds that nothing is the way she left it and her brother and sister-in-law, who're now raising her daughter, have become strong parental figures and Sherry resents that and feels threatened. At the same time, she struggles to readjust in society, coping with her addiction, getting along with people and finding employment.

While the film touches on some heavy themes as it depicts Sherry's fight, it thankfully doesn't go into full depressive tearjerking mode. At the same time, 'SherryBaby' is almost devoid of humour. Through Sherry's perspective, the viewer witnesses how difficult it can be for the 'lower class' Americans to get by with decency and how they're easily judged and blamed.

'SherryBaby' works best as a character-driven piece. Through subtlety, director Laurie Collyer and actress Maggie Gyllenhaal portray the abnormal relationship she has with her sleazy father. While, on the outside, Sherry is a not-to-be messed with tough chick especially around other women, and an 'easy lay' to men, her vulnerability and helplessness are confronted in her private moments and sometimes in the scenes with Dean.

'SherryBaby' showcases Maggie Gyllenhaal's acting as she delivers yet another tour-du-force performance with her down-to-earth portrayal of the title character. It's a very balanced performance that appears natural on screen and the actress depicts the character's frailty, frustration, confusion with excellent conviction. The supporting cast is very good too, especially Danny Trejo (who is cast against type) and Brad William Henke as the brother who's trying to do what's best for his niece while giving his sister a second chance.

'SherryBaby' is a sincere effort on the director's part. She captures the realness of Sherry's circumstances very effectively but it is her leading actress that very much leads the film carrying it off with a transcendent performance.
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