Amazing TV that gives a never before seen view into the events that led to WWII
10 March 2011
Excellent program that is worth your time. If you are a WWII buff you will appreciate this very interesting look at the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. I was intrigued by the writings of those who were disgusted at what was taking place in their homeland. People saw the coming storm of death and intolerance and did whatever they could to get out. I will be researching where they obtained these writings and trying to obtain them. The depiction of the mass group think that was going on at this time was astonishing, people were buying into Hitlers vision and ignored the atrocities that were being committed all around them. One package in particular stuck with me.."all around me people were celebrating, why? It was easier to celebrate..easier to howl with the wolves" Catch this on the History Channel whenever you get a chance..worth every second.
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