17 March 2011
Ireland: The Emerald Isle (1934)

*** (out of 4)

Early TravelTalks entry from MGM takes us to Ireland where we get plenty of nice things to see. We start off taking a stop at the Ancient Round Towers and hear briefly about them before moving onto the farm land where we're told that most farmers live off the land and might just make pennies a week. We learn that the green that's all around is due to constantly rain fall and we get to see many rocks and boulders that separate the farms. We learn how important donkeys are and we get to hear the story behind Hope Castle. Then, for some reason, we're told that beautiful children is a must but we're never told what happens if the kids aren't beautiful (and they examples they give are very short of beauty). If you're a fan of the series then you'll certainly want to view this one as it's pretty clear that the earliest shorts in the series were always among the best. The beautiful Technicolor gives us plenty of terrific looking visuals and as usual James A. Fitzpatrick's narration is grand.
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