Bloodlust (1976)
Bread Before Honey
8 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This film is sometimes referred to as Mosquito The Rapist. Bloodlust is a much more fitting title, especially since our "hero" never rapes anyone at all. Although the film was floated around on the tongues of those who sought to ban films under the Video Nasties era, and it probably was banned or severely edited, the movie was not an official entry on that list. Still, it probably should have been. The back of the currently available DVD version(also in Spanish, hurray!) takes you back to the time before the Nasties, as the producers decided to show, on the back of the DVD case, two nude women enjoying a box lunch while Mosquito watches, with smaller photos of blood drinking, disembodied eyeballs, and a decapitation. Let's hear it for the Swiss! The plot revolves around a deaf/mute man who works as a clerk in some nondescript office and lives in a small apartment, and how he is the subject of intense ridicule at both locations. One drunken neighbor slaps him around, other neighbors don't trust him and gossip about him whenever he's around(he can't hear it anyway!). His co-workers are constantly playing jokes on him, including feeding on his love of girl's porcelain dolls by visiting a sex shop and enticing him with a blow-up girl. There isn't one specific instance where Mr Mosquito snaps and becomes a depraved lunatic. His life, often revealed through flashbacks, shows a poor creature who was so severely beaten by his father that Mosquito became deaf and dumb. We also catch an unsettling glimpse of his father, after thoroughly trouncing Mosquito, deciding to fondle his own daughter. Yikes. So, up through manhood, our intrepid hero lived in a world of silence, where we are privy to all that goes on around him, but he is not. His childhood haunts him, his co-workers and neighbors think he's a freak, so, naturally, he simply becomes one.

He's been collecting dolls for some time and has a small collection in his apartment. This dates back to memories of his sister's doll being smashed by their father after the previously mentioned pseudo-incest scene. The dolls are silent and watching, just like him. We never learn what happened to his family as they are never shown or mentioned in the current timeline. Mosquito has no friends, but he does have a slight infatuation with a neighbor girl, a free spirit who seems to love nothing more than to dance the day away whenever you see her. So, after a time, Mosquito does what we all will probably do someday....he breaks into a funeral home and starts stealing body parts! Here is where the gruesome scenes come in. However, we must first note that none of these bodies have been embalmed. Maybe that's a cultural thing, but I'm fairly certain that funeral practice takes place in Europe. Anyway, if the bodies were embalmed, we wouldn't have a film. He begins by cutting a few girls, then later, he removes a girl's eyeballs and takes them home to put in a jar, occasionally playing with them. Then decapitation and general stabbing of corpses takes place.

Now, don't think Mosquito himself doesn't realize he's a freak. He makes several attempts to be intimate with women, living ones, that is, but he just can't seem to get turned on. So, off to the cemetery to dig up a date! But, even then, he never actually has sex with any of the bodies. He does kiss them, and, like his namesake, begins to drink their blood. Purchasing some strange sharp glass tubes that look like straws, he begins plunging the instrument into necks and breasts alike to enjoy a cherry Slurpee.

The best aspects of this film are that, even though it's low budget and horribly dubbed, you can really sense Mosquito's descent into madness, how he really is controlled by his bloodlust, having no will of his own. He's weak, can't stand up for himself, and probably has more than his fair share of real-world people who are exactly like him. A deranged score adds to his unnerving reality during the funeral home adventures. Recommend for fans of the sicko film, but be prepared for the slow burn.
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