Mega Piranha (2010 TV Movie)
Even for a sy-fy movie, it is quite terrible!
10 April 2011
Now I do love movies and always have and most likely always will. I have seen a number of notoriously bad sy-fy movies, but Mega Piranha takes the cake. Now I will give some credit, if you see it in the right state of mind, you might revel in its awfulness.

What makes Mega Piranha so awful especially is the production values. The scenery and locations are striking enough but the sloppy editing and dull lighting spoils it, and the piranhas are as menacing as rubber fish toys(very over-sized ones at that) and looking at them you would actually mistake them for those.

The story is incredibly predictable,ridiculous, unexciting and feels cobbled together. There is also a lack of atmosphere, for a movie of the genre, it has next to no suspense, thrills or scares no matter how hard it tries. Any suspenseful moments are clumsily handled, and the dialogue is excruciatingly awful, being laughable and melodramatic almost as if little kids were writing for some kind of script-writing assessment. If that was the case, and if I were a teacher, I would give them an F for effort.

The acting is dreadful, it never rises above bad sit-com-ish quality and a lot of it feels strained. Barry Williams tries but fails, Paul Logan's acting feels superficial and phoned in and the less said about Tiffany the better.

Speaking of the direction, it is so soulless you can hardly tell if there was a director on board at all. And the resolution is really daft and hard to take seriously. The characters are shallow and artificially written.

Overall, terrible but maybe worth the watch for the novelty value. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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