Moving and dramatic Spaghetti about a violent feud among two families
27 April 2011
Spanish-Italian co-production with Spaghett-hero as Peter Lee Lawrence as Johnny Kidd against Campos family . An Italian-Spanish co-production full of action , exaggerated characters, gun-play and lots of violence . California, two families , the Mounter (Montescos , formed by Luis Induni , Ana Maria Noe and Peter Lee) and the Campos (Capuletos, formed by Peter Martell, Jose Rubio and Rufino Ingles) live in eternal facing off. In the beginning of the movie there is a confrontation but the Mounter are double-crossed and takes place an ambush . The sole survivor named Kidd (Peter Lee Lawrence), of a slaughter seeks vendetta . After suffering atrocity , Kid executes a single-handedly revenge , he hits , ravage and kills each person involved in the massacre . For pleasure, for avenge, he doesn't care why he kills or how . He is relentless in his vendetta , deadly in his violence . The conflict is simple one between avenger Kid and a Baron land with his hoodlums ,oppressors, nasty bandits . Johnny learns the shooting of Lefty (a Mercurio role-alike). Meanwhile Kidd along with his pal (Andres Mejuto) who holds a hook attack a stagecoach and falls in love with Giuletta (Cristina Galbo). Johnny looks for vengeance , taking on Diego (Peter Martell or Prieto Martellanz in a Tybaldo character-alike) . Later on , Kidd is submitted a tempestuous trap and is caught .

It's an exciting western with breathtaking showdown between the protagonist Peter Lee Lawrence and the enemy ,the Campos family, and his underlings. Peter Lee is fine, he ravages the screen, he jumps, shoots , hit and run and ultimately takes the law on his own hands, but also receives violent punches . The protagonists , Lee and Galbo , married in real life until early death Peter Lawrence who committed suicide at 29 years old .Peter Martell as a cruelly baddie role is terrific, subsequently he would play similar characters in various oaters . Nice acting by Andres Mejuto as two-fisted bounty-hunter gunfighter with a hook . Furthermore, appears usual secondary actors from Italian/Spanish Western as Luis Induni , Maria Cuadra ,Rufino Ingles , Piero Lulli and several others. Brief appearance of future terror myth , Paul Naschy , uncredited and almost extra . The film blends violence, blood, tension, high body-count and it's fast moving and quite entertaining. There is plenty of action in the movie , guaranteeing a shootout or stunt every few minutes . This is an average Spaghetti Western with some moments genuinely entertaining if you can avoid thinking too much. Follows the exploits of Kidd in SW usual theme, the revenge , in addition the starring attempts to reunite his lover facing rivalry among families . Mediocre performances seem badly dated today .The musician Gino Peguri composes a vibrant soundtrack in Morricone style and well conducted ; including a catching leitmotif . Atmospheric scenario with barren outdoors, dirty landscapes under a glimmer sun and a fine sets with striking cinematography in Eastmancolor with negative well processed . Interior filmed in Roma Studios (Madrid), Cinecitta Studios (Rome) and outdoor sequences filmed at Colmenar Viejo , Manzanares del Real , Aranjuez, and La Pedriza , location along with Almeria, where in the 60s and 70s were shot innumerable Spaghetti.

It's a Western freely based on famous novel by Shakespeare titled ¨Romeo and Giuletta . Other Spaghetti based on known and classic novels , are the following : ¨Johnny Hamlet¨(1968) by Enzo G Castellari ; ¨The return of Ringo¨ by Duccio Tessari inspired on the ¨Odyssey¨, ¨John Il Bastardo¨(1967) based on books from Zorrilla and Moliere ; and ¨Anche Nel West Céra una Volta Dio ¨ (1968)by Marino Girolami¨based on ¨Island of treasure¨ by Robert Stevenson. The motion picture is middlingly directed by Gianni Puccini in his last film , he was a craftsman who directed all kind genres and wrote classic Italians as ¨Bitter rice¨ and ¨Ossessione¨ until his early death at 50 years old . Rating: 5,5 ; regular but entertaining.
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