Blood Link (1982)
They All Seem Disinterested
29 April 2011
Blood Link stars Michael Moriarty as a respected scientist who studies dreams with his lab/bedroom partner Penelope Milford. Moriarty is having visions of himself murdering women and comes to understand that he is seeing murders committed through the eyes of his psychopathic lost twin brother--also played by Moriarty. So the good doctor packs his bags and heads to Germany where his brother is engaged in his murder spree.

The doctor believes that if he can find his brother before the police locate him, he can shuttle him back to the States and get him some psychiatric treatment. But brother has other ideas in mind--namely taking his place in the lab and more appropriately, in bed with Penelope Milford.

STORY: $$ (The story doesn't offer anything new to the genre. Who hasn't seen one of these good/evil twin thrillers before? The personality quirks (Moriarty playing with his hair) were forced plot details and hindered the film).

ACTING: $$ (Rather weak. Michael Moriarty and Penelope Milford are both talented thespians but they have no chemistry and at times seem to sleepwalk through their roles. One gets the impression that on set things weren't tightened down and the actor's work suffered because of it. The great Cameron Mitchell gives a quality performance as former prizefighter Bud Waldo who mistakes the murderous Moriarty for the doctor who treated him once. Sarah Langenfeld is serviceable as Bud's daughter).

NUDITY: $$$$$ (Lots of skin here, folks. Most of the women that Moriarty kills are topless. Martha Smith, who played the eager-to-please sorority gal in ANIMAL HOUSE, spends her entire screen time topless--and she is on screen quite a bit. Sarah Langenfeld has a bedroom tryst with Michael Moriarty because ol' Mike is so blasted irresistible. For fans of petite beauties, Penelope Milford has a couple nude scenes as well. A lovely little lady, Penelope bares her breasts early in the film in bed with Moriarty and near the close of the film she is stripped to her birthday suit by the evil Moriarty. The credits roll with Penelope getting her pajama top removed for a final shot of breasts just in case the viewer forgot what the movie was all about. The story of twins in trouble is just filler between the breast shots. But when they're supplied by the well put together Miss Milford, who can complain?)
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