Review of Finale

Smallville: Finale (2011)
Season 10, Episode 21
An epic end to a memorable journey.
14 May 2011
Ten years ago Smallville came to our screens with lofty ambitions. Fans of the Superman mythology were both excited and critical about a show that aimed to document Clark Kent's journey from simple farm boy to one of the most recognised icons of the 20th century.

The pilot episode boasted an impressive budget and scope, dazzling viewers with special effects rarely seen on the small screen. Meanwhile, the believable Tom Welling demonstrated both the physicality and earnest integrity that defines the character of Superman throughout his many and varied incarnations. The stage was set, but these attributes alone did not guarantee a long running and successful television drama.

Fortunately, the supporting cast proved to be everything the longevity of the show required, with talents the likes of Erica Durance, Michael Rosenbaum, Kristin Kreuk, Allison Mack and John Glover selling the show to audiences and keeping them coming back for more. The guidance of Annette O'Toole and John Schneider as the Kent's, Clark's foster parents on earth, provided the show with its heart, and filled the characters with a warmth and amiability that was essential in anchoring the fantastical plots to a relatable morality.

This combined with weekly doses of explosive action, tender romance and larger than life villains ensured the show soared to the top of the ratings, and cameos from the likes of Christopher Reeve and Dean Cain helped shape the series into something of a Superman compendium, encompassing and paying homage to the popular iterations that had come before.

Suffice to say, the Finale pays the vast canon of the Superman universe justice, rounding off key story lines and treating us to the spectacle of Clark embracing his destiny as The Man of Steel in a double episode extravaganza.

Prepare to be blown away by the conclusion to a ten year saga that has won praise and recognition by fans the world over.
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