Smallville: Finale (2011)
Season 10, Episode 21
After 10 years they could have done better
15 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Smallville is one of the shows that kept me personally attached to its plot for the past years, and frankly i was expecting something more ... different ... kind of signature to mark this production of superman in the ending of the series. But instead all we got was a cliché scenario that was aimed only to end a series, as if the writers were fed up and just wanted to wrap it up and pull down the curtain, and it turns out that all the aim of the show was to tell us how superman learned to ... fly. After 10 years of great scripts we expect an unforgettable ending yet, after watching this episode, nothing new, nothing different was added to the show, just like any other episode, the most powerful villain is defeated by just a punch that was supposed to be something great because superman was flying now! and the burning planet (with the worst visual effects ever) was so close yet no one was affected by its heat! and superman took his sweet time to go to the airplane's window before taking care of the disaster coming onto the earth globe, I personally would have expected better.
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