A Must for Paul Naschy Fans
16 May 2011
Paul Naschy, the werewolf sensation of Spain, gets to strut his stuff and expand as an actor in this Leon Klimovsky film. Sure, we're use to seeing Paul play Waldemar by now but he gets to branch out and show off his acting chops by also playing the sinister Mister Hyde in this film as well.

The lovely Shirley Corrigan travels to Hungary with her husband (Jose Marco) to visit his parent's resting place but when their car is about to get stolen, Jose intervenes and is promptly murdered. Since Shirley Corrigan is all kinds of sexy, the murderers have other plans for her but Paul Naschy intercepts their decadent intentions and saves the blond beauty. Of course, as Waldemar, Naschy changes into a wolfman during a fullmoon and when Shirley spots his transformation she gets a plan.

Shirley takes Paul to London to visit a friend, Dr. Jekyll (Jack Taylor) who is the only man who can help Paul defeat his curse of lycanthropy. Dr. Jekyll has always had a thing for Miss Corrigan which upsets his raven-haired helper, Mirta Miller. When the good doctor spurns Mirta in order to help Paul and Shirley, Mirta kills Dr. Jekyll and plans to use Waldemar as a tool for mayhem. She uses a serum devised by Jekyll to turn Waldemar into Mister Hyde but when the fullmoon is out, Hyde's influence clashes with the lycanthropy and makes Paul Naschy one mean dude.

STORY: $$$ (The story is quite interesting, tackling two legendary horror figures in one setting. As with most of the Waldema films, Paul Naschy gets plenty time to showcase his animal side while countering that with a sensitive, tortured side. Also, the version I watched, from Mill Creek in the PURE TERROR 50 MOVIE PACK, seemed a bit too cut which affected the story. Out of the blue Waldemar's old helper is beheaded without any leadup to the attack. Something was missing there).

ACTING: $$$ (Paul Naschy shines as usual. This may be his best performance since he is able to branch out. I'd even go so far as to say he does an even better job as Mr. Hyde in this film than the werewolf. Shirley Corrigan is exceptional as always and Jack Taylor is terrific in his role as Dr. Jekyll. Mirta Miller is effectively calculating as the doctor's assistant).

NUDITY: None (However, this is the Mill Creek version and they typically get the edited adaptations of Spanish horror films. In the same 50 Movie Pack is a great little film titled HORROR RISES FROM THE TOMB, which I own on VHS, and this film is heavily edited. In the unedited version of HORROR RISES FROM THE TOMB there is an abundant supply of nudity so there is probably some skin in other versions of this film as well. Shirley Corrigan, the female lead, isn't a shy actress. She's done a lot of nudity, including the terrific little gem THE DEVIL'S NIGHTMARE).
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