Review of Finale

Smallville: Finale (2011)
Season 10, Episode 21
Ten Years to prepare was ten years well wasted, much the same can be said about the audience's time if they choose to watch this exasperating series finale.
21 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Inconsistency seemed to be the only consistent thing about Smallville. It touched the highs then the lows throughout its 10 years on the air but it seemed to draw to many parallels to the Season 8 finale. Another Doomsday moment was always going to be the biggest fear for Smallville fans and it's hard to see why no one accepts that moment just repeated. Season 8 and Season 10 had left the ground work complete for a potentially perfect finales. But like Season 8 it was up, up and all the way back down again for Smallville. The finale opened well, Chloe (Allison Mack) set up a narrative that engrossed the screen in a cinematic beauty that bypassed the shows clearly poor budget. But the budget problems caught up with them and Smallville was back down to earth with a pointless "There is no wedding," storyline that develops into an "I'm such an idiot" there is a wedding conclusion. The cinematography transformed back into the shows normal fixed settings and the music explored a lot more but mostly stayed with the ear stabbing Smallville themes. What were the writers thinking when they read the vows twice? What were the writers thinking when they read the vows twice? Get what I mean; even reading that twice was tedious, never mind hearing the vows of Clark (Tom Welling) and Lois (Eric Durance) twice. Action is then welcomed with a fight between Clark and Oliver (Justin Hartley) but Smallville always have to have kryptonite in a fight. But this time it's gold Kryptonite and as Clark says "you know gold kryptonite will take away my powers forever." No wait no one knows that apart from Tess and Emile on this show; there you go your first plot hole. Clark stops this fight by saying one of the most self righteously cheesy monologues Smallville has ever spat out. The show wasn't all bad and no I'm not referring to the return of Lex or the birth of Superman, no I'm referring to the return of Jonathan Kent. His scenes were the only scenes that touched the audience, scenes that were so well presented, written and acted that it made me think I was watching a different show. For me this saved the finale from being in the top 10 worst episodes of Smallville. The prodigal villain returns through a carless bit of writing. Nothing was believable about this story arc, the initial story said Lex was dead and so were his clones, aside from Connor. Lex then greeted Clark in a way that just showed he was forced into the finale like he didn't belong. Clark becoming Superman was done too predictably. He learnt to fly through a nostalgic montage of his "best bits," sweet I know but I've watched all the previous episodes, I came to watch the finale. He defeated Darksied by flying into him, wow that guy was a real threat. He then put on the suit and was shown as a blur in space for about five minutes. And that's why I say it was ten years well wasted on a clearly rushed finale.
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