Review of Finale

Smallville: Finale (2011)
Season 10, Episode 21
The end of an era
31 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This is it, the moment we have been waiting for for over a decade has finally come to be. We have grown up with Clark Kent over the past ten years and have watched as he makes the transition from smalltown farmboy to superhero, and frankly despite my hesitations they actually managed to pull it off.

Though a bit rushed, as the season finale drew nearer i wondered if they had left it too late to build the superman myth, and although i would have liked some more preceding hype they still managed to pull it off. I was finally starting to believe it, he was ready to take up the mantle; the motivation was there, the storyline was there, the actor was there, the personality was there; clark kent was ready to become superman................. but it never happened.

At least that's how it felt in my mind. Don't get me wrong i thought the finale was great, it answered a lot of questions and i thoroughly enjoyed it, but it just didn't feel like the finale fans were waiting for. Why? forget the rushed plots and gaping holes (he simply pushed the planet out of the way? were was the climax?? why did they need to even give people hope then to get rid of the planet??) i thought they set it up really well, people would see him in the suit rushing to their aid and that would give them the hope they needed... but alas they never saw him in the suit, and neither did we (there wasn't even a famous cry of "it's a bird, it's a plane" or ANY direct/inderect reference to the name Superman) Now i'm not sure if there were liscening disputes or whatnot, but i thought it was a sad letdown for something that had tremendous potential. Tom welling has been clark kent in our eyes for far too long, and not seeing a fullsuit shot in all his superman glory never really solidified the transition for me, in my heart he is still clark kent playing makebelieve/dressup. I feel sorry for the writers who did such a fantastic job of managing to train this boy into superman, only to have this nagging fault unravel all their efforts.

I just hope that somewhere there is some stills or footage of tom welling in the fabled suit, maybe in some DVD extras(which will ensure their sales) just so we can put this nagging sense of wanting continue, its what Tom Welling and the fans deserve and have been waiting for.
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