Don't make a sequel if you can't make it at least half as decent!
4 June 2011
Funny thing is, I just watched the original a few hours ago. I borrowed the DVD from the library and it came with the double pack with both movies. So of course I was going to watch the second one too.

Hahahaha what a joke. This movie pales in comparison to the former. I really gave this a chance as I know you can't make a sequel or a prequel exactly the same and I accept that totally. However, the story wasn't strong, the acting was pretty bad with some of it being way over the top and not to mention some dodgy special effects in terms of the dragons.

The beginning was rather promising because I felt it was going to go down an interesting direction but then it just got extremely silly. In particular, it felt like I was watching a cross between the Karate Kid with the Asian character kung fu added in - and it wasn't necessary not to mention that it looked really corny and stupid.

Christopher Masterson doesn't bring much at all to his character and while he is more effective in Malcolm In the Middle, his take on a dramatic character fails. This is not helped by the rest of the cast who look like they are taking part in a school play instead of a film.

The dragon named 'Drake' at times looked a bit fuzzy in terms of the visuals but also isn't as charismatic as Draco in the first film - and he looked way more real in that.

The narrative done in this was also unnecessary as though they think the audience will engage more with the story but it only makes it feel like the audience is clueless as to what is going on.

All I can commend is the attempt they made to make it fun and to try to capture the warmth of the first one - other than that they failed miserably.
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