Review of Finale

Smallville: Finale (2011)
Season 10, Episode 21
Awful way to end!
19 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
what a disappointing way to end a show i have loved for so long! the finale was a PEACE OF GARBAGE! the first hour was full of Louis and Clark will they or wont they get married crap! i honestly did not care wither they did or not! and this plot should have in no way been included in the finale. it should have already been resolved before hand. secondly Lex freaking Luther returned for nothing! the character was not done Justice my friends was not. not only was he just in 2 major scenes but his Freaking memory got wiped. a entire shows worth of good character development destroyed! he might as well not even been a character if nothing he did counted after all! how can he be superman's arch nemesis if he does not remember what made him evil in the first place! Freaking doesn't

make any sense. also i was cheated out of seeing Clark in the full superman suit! it just showed little cg i man floating around from a distance. or so up close you could only see the cape fluttering behind him. no full frontal shot not even one! at the end Clark opened his shirt to reveal the s on his chest but nothing more. rip off! 10 years of my life wasted. the only good scenes where between Clark and Jonathan Kent. and when Lex killed Tess. i just saw it coming! sadly he got his memory's wiped out randomly by some type of memory wipe cream she put on his face before she died. again completely stupid! when i go back and watch good episodes of this show i will always feel a little down knowing how awful everything turned out!
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