FANTASTIC ANIMATION... but just OK script
6 August 2011
This movie start great. The beginning when the Dalton brothers escape from their trial in New York just to be capture by Lucky Luke once again is pretty fun and full of energy, however as soon the plots kicks in with Lucky Luke escorting caravan the movie quickly turn into a hour and a half Road Runner cartoon. There is never a filling of threat for our hero as all the villains are either to stupid to create any danger or have over-the-top bad luck and their plans back-fire on them without any intervention of the main protagonist. Even the humor can gets way to slapstick with jokes I've seen hundreds time before in Looney Toons cartoons (They throw some cute In-jokes for Lucky Luke fans BTW)

On other hand... The animation however looks FANTASTIC!!! There are some Ren and Stimpy like expressions, backgrounds are rich and full of details and to be fair next to "The Princess and the frog" and "Illusionist" this must be the best hand drawn animation of the last decade.

So yhe, if you love the classic 2D animation this movie is great to look at, but the script is just hour and a half of slapstick humor and thats it.
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