The Tenant (2010)
Absolute rubbish! Laughable attempt at filmmaking'.
6 August 2011
You know a film is bad when the producers get reviews deleted and post their own glowing reviews. All the good reviews here are from persons from Florida...hmmm!

This film has serious identity issues, despite paying homage to films like 'It's Alive', 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre', 'Frankenstein' etc, the writer/director is clearly devoid of any originality and throws cliché after cliché at the audience. It also goes from being gory and serious to comedic and back again.

It misses the only opportunity of originality again when a group of deaf (and seemingly mute) children show up. Instead of using their disability as an interesting new twist on old conventions, they are instead treated as sheep who are merely there to slow down and impede the others.

The plot also has two 'halves', which means you get to spend twice as long getting to know two groups of unrealistic characters. Some of the acting and dialogue literally had me laughing out loud. Some ridiculous casting choices are made, a balding, one legged Barney Rubble type is married to a hot woman. Some of the inmates at the mental asylum women. I'm certain a guy was the casting director here.

The 'hero' is one of the most unlikeable characters I've ever come across and appears to have the intelligence and personality of an immature schoolchild.

I'm uncertain of the budget but the film is fairly well shot and the special effects and sets are pretty good. It's just a shame that this creature feature suffers from multiple personalities and is let down by a terrible script and some bad acting along with some of the most hateable characters ever captured on film.

A totally shambolic effort. The creators of this film should be ashamed and crawl away quietly from this rubbish.

***I've had to re-submit this, as worse than writing false reviews about their own movie, the creators are getting bad reviews pulled due to being 'abusive', how pathetically sad.***
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