Incendies (2010)
Interesting but frustrating at times
20 August 2011
This film got off to a difficult start for me. Having spent time in the Middle East the initial sequences were frustrating as I was trying to work out where the film was set. Also the fictional war between Christians and Muslims was not realistic, which added to my confusion. I couldn't 'normalise' this film then.

Once I got over that, accepting it is a work of fiction or alternative history it them became easier to take on faceout of kilter value. The story was poignant and depicted human trials in a very realistic and gritty manner.

The story is set around Nawal - a Lebanese(?) woman who has her first child taken from her at birth and years later in Canada has a nervous breakdown leading to her death. In her will she charges her twins to search for their father, and brother (whom they did not know about) to give them each a letter in a sealed envelope.

Jeanne (the daughter) is prepared to do this but her brother Simon is reluctant and she sets off alone to the Middle East to begin the search.

I'll say no more regarding the plot except that the search uncovers surprising events in their mother's past and a traumatic conclusion.

Given the volatility of the region in which the story is set the events depicted could well have happened, but that she would send her children off on such a mission is not so believable.

Overall cinematography is beautiful and I thought the script and acting was excellent. A good film but not, in my opinion, the great one that some are saying it is.
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