A very offbeat, erotic, and enjoyable 70's vampire film
28 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Sweet Susan Ritter (an appealing performance by adorable blonde Sherry Miles) and her easygoing husband Lee (Michael Blodgett in fine cocky form) accept an invitation from the alluring and enigmatic Diane LeFanu (expertly played to the seductive and entrancing hilt by the gorgeous Celeste Yarnall) to visit her in her secluded dessert estate. However, the couple are unaware that Diane is really a lethal and predatory centuries old bisexual vampire. Director Stephanie Rothman, who also co-wrote the quirky and intriguing script with Charles S. Schultz and Maurice Jules, does an ace job of creating and maintaining a deliriously dreamy and erotic atmosphere, makes excellent use of the arid and isolated setting, and offers some inspired and interesting tweaking of the standard bloodsucker lore (Diane drives a dune buggy in broad daylight, doesn't have fangs, eats raw meat, and can see her reflection in a mirror, but still drinks blood to stay alive and has an aversion to crucifixes). Moreover, Rothman brings an unusual artsy and stylish quality to this movie which in turn gives it its own singular identity (a surreal recurring dream set piece in particular possesses a certain oddly hypnotic pull). The sturdy acting from a capable cast rates as another substantial asset: The three attractive leads all do praiseworthy work (Yarnall especially is quite stunning throughout), Jerry Daniels contributes a solid portrayal of Diane's loyal servant Juan, and biker flick regular Robert Tessier has a cool bit as a -- what else? -- biker. Of course, there's also a pleasing amount of yummy nudity and sizzling soft-core sex. Daniel Lacambre's striking cinematography boasts a few artful dissolves and makes bold use of bright color. The funky jazzy prog-rock score by Roger Dollarhide and Clancy B. Grass III hits the right-on groovy spot. A nicely different 70's drive-in horror winner.
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