MGM Parties for Jimmy Durante
28 September 2011
Hollywood jungle king Jimmy Durante (as "Schnarzan") is getting a little lion in the tooth. After seeing Greta Garbo's famous close-up conclude "Queen Christina" (1933), audiences pan a preview of Mr. Durante's newest loin-cloth adventure "Schnarzan the Conqueror!!!" Durante concludes the film franchise needs livelier lions, and has a "Hollywood Party" to celebrate the fact. Contrary to the promotional and opening credits, this film does not star Laurel and Hardy. You will see The Three Stooges (Larry, Moe and Curly) and wonder where you missed Stan and Ollie. They are featured later, with Mr. Hardy wearing a torn suit jacket (understandably, considering). This is a "revue" picture hanged around a spoof of MGM's "Tarzan" with Durante starring. And Jimmy Durante's movie "Jane" is Johnny "Tarzan" Weissmuller's wife Lupe Velez...

The party goes on too long - well, it seems too long even in a short movie. After a good opening, highlights occur sporadically. Don't miss the clever "I've Had My Moments" song and dance sequence by Eddie Quillan (as Bob) and June Clyde (as Linda). It occurs after about 30 minutes, just before The Three Stooges appearance; this Walter Donaldson and Gus Kahn song became the film's only "new" hit, making the Hit Parades in a version by Lew Sherwood with Eddie Duchin's orchestra. The "I've Had My Moments" melody resembles the later hit "How About You?" (1941-42). Later, an animated Mickey Mouse introduces the color cartoon "The Hot Choc-Late Soldiers" by Walt Disney. Lastly, Laurel and Hardy become involved; some (not I) think their "breaking eggs" scene with Ms. Velez is a classic. For the end, MGM lions take over...

***** Hollywood Party (5/24/34) Allan Dwan ~ Jimmy Durante, Lupe Velez, Eddie Quillan, Stan Laurel
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