Review of Baseball

Baseball (1994–2010)
Failure to be complete
29 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
How can one be a historian of baseball, talk about Bob Gibson's strikeout record of the Tigers in the 1968 Series and fail to mention that the Tigers who were down 3 - 1 in the series, came back and won the Series on the road. Moreover, Burns failed to mention that Lolich won games 2, 5 & 7 and the last two games were in St. Louis. What happened? Was that information on the cutting room floor? It calls into question what else was left out. Detroit had the last win of an undivided league during 1968 which helped heal the Detroit riots and sparked a whole book: The Tigers of '68: Baseball's Last Real Champions (Honoring a Detroit Legend) by George Cantor. The fans from Detroit would say, "We was robbed" of our due.

This series was meticulous, but this obvious sin of omission calls into question the rest of the series. Moreover, GM sponsored Ken Burns' works. How could he not say anything about this issue? When I saw that episode and heard how great Gibson was but no mention of how the Tigers came back, I was dumbfounded.
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