Mausam (2011)
Contains spoilers barring last half an hour of the Movie which I couldn't bring myself to bear
3 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie hands down beats all the BAD movies I've seen so far. Though I wasn't so hopeful after the first half, I gave the movie a fair second chance in second half to redeem itself. I tried to see movie with an open-mind thinking I mightn't be getting something and this really is an epic in the making which my immature mind couldn't fathom. I tried to look engrossed. Half an hour into the movie in the second half, I gave up any pretensions of engrossment when I saw some in the audience yawning, cursing and using expletives which I'd rather not mention.

Pankaj Kapur has been exposed as a Wannabe who needs a reality check on his capabilities as a director. He's brilliant as "Mussadi Lal" in "Office Office" and should stick to being that. Everyone involved in the making of this movie had very high expectations (of themselves) and thought of themselves as Tees Mar Khan(that was a flop, too). This movie should be included in the Movies Library on how not every Tom, Dick, Harry and Mussadi can't be a director. Pankaj Kapur should've burned his hands on small, modest ventures before setting about to arson this Movie Producer's life savings with this Wannabe Magnum Opus.

Now, about the movie which this team intended. An eternal epic Love Story transcending time, continents, religion, hardships germinating from an idea of interweaving a love story around all the communal, war and terrorist events around the world. The only thing epic about this movie is its length (3 hours of pure Chinese torture).

The Lovers miraculously appear in the eye of the world altering events just before they happen. Suspicious minded in the audience will be forced to think if one of them is covertly involved in it. There was a moment when I was expecting Sonam Kapoor to say "My name is Ayaat and I'm not a terrorist". Pankaj Kapur should've thought on that lines too after this Love Story fell flat on its face.

Both the lead characters are shown to be globetrotters who just couldn't sit at one place. Sonam Kapoor's character is one step ahead. She likes to move from one place to another after each tragedy and start life from scratch. Just keeping the count on the number of times she moves makes my grey cells shrink. Let's try with reasons: From Kashmir to Punjab (Reason: Terrorism), Punjab to Mumbai (Reason: Unknown/for uncle to get killed in Mumbai Blasts/Babri Masjid issue, but how?), Mumbai to Scotland (Reason: Unknown), Scotland to Punjab (Reason: To find Kapur), Punjab to Ahmedabad (Reason: Unknown), Ahmedabad to Scotland (Reason: Unknown), Scotland to USA (Reason: Unknown/Waiting for 9/11), USA to Switzerland (Reason: Stopped for questioning post 9/11 /to get stranded on a deserted platform on a mountain), Switzerland to Ahmedabad: (Reason: Unknown/Waiting for Godhra).

The lead pair meet and get separated, meet and get separated again and this Separation-Reunion saga continues for at least 3 counts (actual count, I didn't bother after 3). Poor Souls just couldn't keep track of each other and get separated even though there was no Kumbh Mela involved. It's hard to imagine how dim-witted the lovers could be to achieve that feat in this age of advanced communication. The movie is set from 1992-2002 (mobiles and emails were available from 1996 onwards) but at the point of juncture, the pair preferred to communicate through good old letters or no communication at all (Shahid Kapur couldn't spare two minutes to intimate her eternal soul mate that he's been called to the Kargil War front). Considering the primitive mode of communication between the pair, the movie could've been set in the pre-independence era but then it'd have been impossible for the director to incorporate Operation Blue Star in 1984 (I think, there was a subtle mention of it), Kashmiri Pandit's migration, Babri Masjid issue, Mumbai Blasts, Kargil War, 9/11, Godhra Riots, Operation Neptune Spear to kill Laden (oops…no, that wasn't there) and what not, which are so instrumental to the movie.

The movie had some really fantastic moments (pun intended) when one sees the couple having chance meetings in unexpected places like Scotland, Train on Mountain Top in Switzerland, Ahmedabad etc. What are the chances of that? One in a million and they cracked it 3-4 times. They must be soul mates and destined to meet, one must think. Only it didn't show in their chemistry. There was never a moment when I felt a lump in the throat or had teary eyes.

Shahid Kapur seems in character as a village lad but doesn't look Macho enough to play an Air Force Pilot. Anyways, Macho aka Maharaj Kishanji is a Kashmiri Pandit's character played by Anupam Kher (How Sonam Kapoor nicknamed him MACHO is yet another mystery among many in this movie). Anupam Kher, only genuine talent casted in the movie is hopelessly wasted. He appears on the screen for just 3-4 scenes (which is more than only 1 in which his screen wife appears while telephoning from Jammu Station. Whatever happened to her?). Sonam Kapoor just talks in whispers. She doesn't get to shout in the movie which is like normal humans talking. Supriya Pathak Kapur (wife of the director)has the same 'in shock' expression for most of the movie as if she had a premonition about the fate of the movie.

I think that entire IAF objection and hence, delayed release was hogwash to elevate the movie's hype (much like Shahrukh Khan's detention at Newark Airport for MNIK). That 30 second of supposedly objectionable sequence does nothing to lift the movie but rather nose dives the movie down much like the aircraft in the movie. The movie fails to evoke any emotion and sympathy even when the protagonist's one arm gets paralyzed.

In short, it's a pretty successful failure at a disaster epic movie.
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