Review of Pervert!

Pervert! (2005)
80 Minutes of Mary Carey Naked and Very Little Plot
3 October 2011
A word. What is the pervert? Sex freak, deranged degenerate, disturbed diabolical psychotic subversive embracer of things both erotic and erratic.

If you have no interest in seeing Mary Carey and other large-chested ladies naked, this film is probably not for you. Personally, I do not find Carey attractive and am not really into voluptuous women. Nude women, sure, but just not of this body type.

I liked the meat sculptures. I wish they played a bigger role, but it just was not meant to be.

Is this film the successor to Russ Meyer? At least one reviewer thinks so, but I say that either gives this film too much credit or is just downright insulting to Meyer. I would say the sensibility is closer to the films of John Waters, but even that is giving this film an undeserved comparison.

The movie is very cheesy, but has a few humorous moments. For some reason, Netflix lists this as a horror film. I would call that a bit of a stretch. I mean, yeah, there is blood and murder, but not until the second half. (I guess you cannot be a half-horror film, though.)
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