Review of Nosferatu

Nosferatu (1922)
yellow to blue
8 October 2011
Yes this is an old film and the actual dialog script is probably about 2 pages. But this film does things to make it a piece of art. The music really shows the different scenes and what is going on. Also the color lens they use to show a moment. Like happiness or daylight was yellow but evil or darkness was blue. There was a strange moment when red was used too. Again there is no sound of voices, but some of the acting was pretty good. A lot of it seems cheesy from the time it was made, but two characters to me really stick out. Of course the first is Max Schreck as Nosferatu and then the other is Alexander Granach as Knock. Two really really boggled my mind about this film. There was a shot of a ship in water and it was a great shot. There are low budget movies now a days that use CG ships and it looks horrible, yet this 1920s film went all out. The other thing is the vampire. How scary is he? I mean look at how deformed he looks. There are some vampire movies that have more deformed vampires, but then look at others. Like Twilight. Vampires are meant to be scary and Hosferatu is one freaky looking vampire.
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