30 October 2011
Yes, its a stand out film and I mean it. Though i am not a Muslim and not a Keralite,I loved the way the director made this simple yet most powerful tale of two aged couple willing to sacrifice anything without compromising their self values. Each and every frame explains the inner nature of the couples being. Be it the simple shot where the lead, sacrifices his meal for saving money,or where the couples getting scared when a policeman comes for an inquiry or when the couples act like kids when they see their passports..Kudos to the director for considering all the minutest details in each frame. The Christian wood trader,the Hindu teacher, the Muslim travel agent who all tries to help the couple not only add value to the film but also portray the integrity of the country. The ending note where the couple takes the sequences on a positive note was the directors' lesson for reality. On the whole one of the best film in recent times. For all those directors, who consider hero worships, 5 songs, exposed heroines and 2nd rated comedies are their mantra for their film, do watch this movie.

Verdict: This movie is an ART. Only for those people who know how to feel the art
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