Carjacked (2011)
A very watchable film with honest emotion & good acting.
6 November 2011
This one of those rare gems that does almost everything right in a very straight forward manner. The beginning is underscored with a sublime intensity and continues to surprise throughout with twists and turns you can't see coming. Nothing is "Over-the-top". It's a simple film with a good yarn, and since I was expecting less that I was rewarded with, I am grateful for all the professional effort and talent that went into making this film. Honestly, I rate it at 5.8 overall. But with what I wasn't expecting to have happen, I would give it a 6.1. I believe it will end up averaging 4.9 to 5.2 or so. Hope I'm wrong. Directing, acting and dialog (often editing) is usually what kills a movie. This one did all of them rather well. Worth a watch I believe!
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