Bag of Bones (2011)
Bag of Bores
12 December 2011
I cannot believe that this drivel has received a 9 rating! The acting is the only horrific aspect of this film. It is proof positive that Stephen King novels do not translate well within the confines of a sanitized TV film. Mick Garris continues to prove that he just does not "get" King, yet is given opportunity after opportunity to butcher the master of horrors work. Bag of Bones, while not his best work, is still a novel that deserves so much better than this waste of time. Perhaps the hype was just too great, and it just could not possibly live up to the expectations. It is literally 4 hours of my life I will never get back and probably the worst film I have seen all year, and that's saying a lot because I saw Jack and Jill 2 weeks ago, and that was almost as excruciating.
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