Review of The Canyon

The Canyon (2009)
watchable movie
27 December 2011
I went into this movie with certain expectations. The expectations were met. There are no real surprises in this movie. Early in the movie, you know the set-up, man (and woman) against nature. All of the main players are likable. Their character is developed. You care about these people! The scenery is beautiful. There are plot contrivances, like shoddy cellphone coverage and random injuries. Of course, there has to be poor cellphone coverage or there would be no movie! You would just call for help and that would be the end of the movie! There has to be injuries to add insult to "injury" to the players struggling against the odds already. The ending is truly thought evoking instead of cliché. It could not have ended better. I recently saw the movie "Thirst." The two movies are very similar in plot line. This movie was enjoyable. I found "Thirst" tedious and overly predictable.
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