What's really going on?
27 February 2012
We had this documentary called "Bananas". It was about Nicaraguan workers putting a law-suit on Dole for being poisoned. They won the case. "Bananas" was about that.

But the director was about to face some problems. The Los Angeles film festival was put under pressure, according to this new documentary, and hardly dared to put "Bananas" on screen. The director not only got a law-suit from Dole, Swedish journalists were put under pressure too. It didn't end with that. Swedish MPs, who were about to see the film, got letters. There were blog campaigns. A big machine started rolling.

This film is about that and it really is frightening viewing. The most interesting question is however if strong companies try to direct free speech. Is that were neo-liberal economics have lead us? We need to discuss it. Without somebody trying to prevent us.
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