Fermat's Room (2007)
Not as smart as I expected it to be
6 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't seen a lot of Spanish movies. However, found this plot so intriguing that decided to give it a try. The first 20 mins or so was decent in building the background story. And the opening scene sets the tone for a movie full of math riddles. Unfortunately it turned out to be a big disappointment after that. The riddles the 4 of them have to solve to stop the room from shrinking, are not math riddles at all. Those are the kind of riddles you probably did in your high school, certainly not the kind of riddles a "math genius" would set for others.

Now about the characters - For couple of them, when they were telling their back story, you would have preferred some flashback scenes. Little bit of character building would have helped. Now for the big plot hole

*Contains Spoiler* So if you have watched the movie, you know that one of the four actually set-up the room and he had a escape route planned. However, I still can't figure out at what point he was planning to escape. The other 3 would ave died only when the room would have crushed them and at that time this guy would have died too. If he was planning to escape earlier, others would have escaped with him. So what was the point of this elaborate planning by supposedly a math genius?

Another small plot hole, some of the answers to the riddles were descriptive and it would have been difficult for the program on the PDA to check the correctness of the answer. For example, how would the program check the correctness of the answer if the reply was in full sentences or broken sentences with incorrect grammar. Except the first two riddles and the one towards the end, answers for all others would have been difficult to verify by an automated program.

Rating it 5 out of 10 for an interesting plot.
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