Bad, dumb and ultimately pointless.
12 April 2012
Eric Brown became famous for about a week and half back in the 80s thanks to an appearance in the Sylvia Kristel comedy Private Lessons, where he plays a student who gets involved with his much older French tutor. Here he plays a student who gets involved with the much older wife of his English professor. Such acting range this kid had! Anyway, the two of them sneak around behind the prof's back for the first third of the movie and then the producers must have realized that there was no plot going on, and so bodies start showing up for no reason and the cops focus on the kid, also for no reason. Seriously, this is one truly brain dead attempt at writing either a murder thriller or an erotic melodrama, but not both, since it never manages to be both at the same time. The performances are just as bad as the script, with Eric Brown looking lost and amateurish, movie veteran Andrew Prine (who plays the prof) looking embarrassed, and Sybil Danning looking once again like a great chest with no acting talent attached, which continued to be true over her long and stinky career. She and Eric have less on-screen chemistry than Greg Evigan had with his chimp co-star in B.J. and the Bear. The whodunnit solution, when it comes, makes much LESS sense than usual for a bad 80s killer thriller, and we grade most of those on a curve already. In addition to crappy dramatics, bad plotting and mind-craggling dialog, the pacing is sluggish, plus the look is cheap and sometimes even grainy. When you find yourself wondering whether the producers were even willing to pay for new film stock or did they buy leftovers, you know you are not in the hands of anybody soon to be named president of the Screen Director's Guild.

This is just bad. Not fun bad, not so bad it's funny, just plain old who made this incompetent crap bad. Avoid at all costs.
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