Inside Mecca (2003 TV Movie)
amateur jerky hand held camera distracting
19 April 2012
This film shows what a hajj entails to Mecca and its surroundings. If only the hand held camera had not been so jumpy, I found this distracting as I tried to focus on what was going on. Surely there are ways to reduce this!

The story such as it is follows 3 Moslems on their hajj. A white female Texan, a Black South African and a Malaysian businessman.

I learned a few things I didn't know but kept thinking how much more beautifully the movie could have been is amateurish with the jerky motions mentioned above, no unique camera angles, and no cinematography input of any note.

I guess in the spirit of the Hajj one should not criticize however... The topic gets a 10 this movie a 2...
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