Danse macabre (1922)
Worth Checking Out
24 May 2012
Danse macabre (1922)

*** (out of 4)

Dudley Murphy directed this bizarre silent film that lasts just eight-minutes but manages to be quite creepy. Set during a time when the plague is ravishing Spain, Youth (Adolph Bolm) and Love (Ruth Page) dance while Death (Olin Howland) is slowly stalking them. This is one of those very strange films that's hard to explain and it's best that one just sees it for themselves. I think this is a rather effective piece that weaves together live action, animation and the use of the music score is very good. I thought the best moments were the horror elements including the strange skeletons and of course Death who slowly stalks the young couple. I thought the way that the image of Death was exposed on the film was quite striking and it really did give you the feel of the afterlife. I'm sure many might be put off because it's silent, which would be a shame because it's really not that hard to get drawn into the material.
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