Almost as bad as the first one
1 June 2012
Just for the record, I hated the first Killjoy. It was lame, cheesy, cheaply made, unscary, annoying and very unoriginal(anybody else get reminded of Stephen King's It?). This sequel is just as bad, but apart from some sequences that has cinematography that even a faulty mobile phone could've done better, it is not as cheap to look at. But it has everything I hate still about the first Killjoy. Killjoy himself is incredibly annoying rather than creepy, complete with cheesy lines(I hate sloppy seconds? *groan*) and lame killings, plus you can tell often that the film did not know what to do with him. The rest of the acting is next to non-existent, and they are not helped by clichéd characters, mind-numbingly embarrassing dialogue and a limply paced and unsurprising story that relies on cheap, predictable scares and no thrills. So all in all, a sequel that manages to be just as bad as its predecessor. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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