The Tenant (2010)
This movie sucked and I would rather watch a movie Id seen 50x than suffer through another second.
23 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was terrible in every way possible. why two middle aged women are fighting for a mad scientist experimenting on human heads and making little income anyway is beyond me. Add that to the fact that the "flashback" lasted forty minutes, the actors sucked and couldn't use a more inventive word than 'dummy', the effects were poor and the plot was predictable and terribly thought out. 2 of the 4 people I was watching this with actual left the room. To sleep. The people didn't even seem concerned when one by one their friends were picked off or their brains picked out, but this was probably due to the terrible (and more than half deaf) characters. who don't even try to find weapons or escape and are more worried about hiding the dead bodies. I actually created an account on my phone just to say how much it sucked. If you choose to watch it anyway..good luck.
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