The 'BATMAN BEGINS' of Spider-Man films, I'd go as far as to say it's amazing!
6 July 2012
'THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN': Five Stars (Out of Five)

The 'BATMAN BEGINS' of Spider-Man films, this reboot to Sam Raimi's blockbuster trilogy doesn't disappoint and I'd go as far as to say it's amazing! Director Marc Webb (who made his debut with 2009's critically acclaimed hit '(500) DAYS OF SUMMER') takes over the franchise with Andrew Garfield (of 'THE SOCIAL NETWORK' fame) replacing Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker, a.k.a. Spider-Man. The film was written by James Vanderbilt, Alvin Sargent (who also co-wrote 'SPIDER-MAN 2' and '3') and Steve Kloves (who wrote every 'HARRY POTTER' film). This film focuses entirely on Peter's high school years while he learns to first develop his powers as well as cope with the disappearance of his parents and who his father really was (unlike the original Sam Raimi film). It's also a little more faithful to the comic, in some ways, by having Parker develop artificial web-shooters that he uses to swing around on, rather than being able to produce them physically as part of his super powers. It also goes back to having Gwen Stacy (his original love interest from the comics) as the object of his affection rather than Mary Jane (like the Raimi films). Gwen is played beautifully by 'it girl' Emma Stone (the object of Jim Carrey's obsession). The movie, despite treading on some old ground, is thoroughly entertaining and powerfully well made.

This story begins with Peter as a young boy (Max Charles) being left in the care of his Uncle Ben (Martin Sheen) and Aunt May (Sally Field) by his parents (Campbell Scott and Embeth Davidtz), who disappear without ever being heard from again. Peter grows up to be a somewhat awkward teen (Garfield, who's way too old to play a teen) but is much cooler than Parker probably should be; he rides a skateboard and actually flirts (successfully) with his high school crush Gwen Stacy (Stone). One day he finds his father's old briefcase which leads him to seek out his father's old associate, a scientist by the name of Dr. Curt Connors (Rhys Ifans). Gwen actually works at Oscorp with Connors, which is where Parker stumbles into a lab experimenting on genetically modified spiders and is bit by one. He of course develops spider like powers and when his Uncle is killed makes it his mission to fight crime and get revenge. In this film he must deal with Dr. Connors' alter ego, the genetically mutated monster 'The Lizard' (which is the first time the classic Spider-Man villain has graced the silver screen), as well as the police, lead by Gwen's father Captain Stacy (Denis Leary).

The movie does go over a lot of the same plot points as the original Sam Raimi hit but it delves a little more deeper in to them. I thought the first two 'SPIDER-MAN' films had a great amount of emotional drama and character development (which is why they're two of my favorite films) but this installment manages to outdo them. It really gets in to the character of Peter Parker, on a relatable level to almost every high school nerd (present or past) and Garfield plays him amazingly. I thought Maguire was about as good a Spider-Man as they could have casted but somehow Garfield manages to outdo him, mostly with passion for the role (he says he cried the first time he put on the costume). Stone is a little cuter and more adorable than Kirsten Dunst, I wouldn't say she's a better actress but it's definitely easier to fall for her character than Mary Jane's (due to Stone's likability). Sheen and Field are classic like always and Ifans makes a memorable insane villain. The acting is definitely a little better in this film but the script is also smarter and more complex and Webb's direction is impressively fitting. I wouldn't say he's as good a director as Sam Raimi but it's nice to see a different take on the series. Besides all the material that's already been done there's definitely enough new stuff to make the film interesting and thrilling. I'd say it's a better reboot film than 'BATMAN BEGINS' even, it's no 'THE DARK KNIGHT' but it is better than Nolan's original Batman film. If you're a fan of the series or the character (and Spider-Man is my favorite superhero) you're sure to be thrilled.

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