Oleanna (1994)
12 July 2012
As in fairy tale. An incredibly interesting experience;watching this film.I don't think it is too be taken literally.I don't think we are to fully believe that this is a slice of real life. I think the dialogue, the details of the plot and the direction gives us clues that the film/play is metaphorical. There is some illogic in the circumstances the two characters become entwine within. This is okay. It makes us think about the details and not the plot line so much. Macy is brilliant. The girl by contrast seems superficial at first and then much more convincing in the second half. I somehow think this was deliberate.

Ultimately,it is a scary,scary film. No spoiler here. Let me only say that good intentions can be turned against one by another and the consequences can be tragic.

A day later and after reading many other reviews,let me add a comment. The girl speaks of her "group". This is the give-away. There is no group. The "group" is the force of society to pillory the individual at every opportunity. The man is real. The girl is a fiction. This is what makes the film a work of genius.
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