Gun Shy (2000)
not what I expected...yay!!!
13 July 2012
I bought this on VHS. Used. Took eight years to get around to watching it. Lord is this funny! It pretty well taps into every comedic vein in the whole body of comedy. It manages to be hardcore drama peopled by nuts.... not unlike Snatch but with really nutty characters and wackier circumstances. Sandra Bullock, who I have always wanted to hate but always love every time I watch a film of hers is just "hot" and clever as hell in this. Liam Nessom is funny. Oliver Platt is hilarious. Hell, everyone is funny.

This is just one of the films you will be glad you found and were in the right mood the night you watched it.

I will say.. there is one scene that in an of itself is very, very funny that comes too early in the film and kind of gives away too much about one of the principal characters. You might agree with me on this.
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