Review of Hellbent

Hellbent (2004)
A fun campy slasher flick
14 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I caught this title a while ago as I became quickly intrigued for obvious reasons namely an all male cast and the fact that it's the first gay slasher movie, I caught the trailers online and became quickly interested, even though "Hell-bent" offers nothing new or original to the genre, a pretty much by numbers a routine slasher movie, but with a fresh approach. Although there have been gay characters in other horror movies, this is the first time that a movie centres round a group of gay men. For the movie itself, it's very well made nothing groundbreaking though and plus it's full of classic clichés and an interesting group of characters and a decent cast.

The beginning we have the cliché couple making out in the car and then quickly killed off, quite violently but fun none the less and as the movie goes on its a pretty simple straight forward movie that never gets over complicated . But the fact that the killer's motive is never revealed seems rather lazy and uninspired, and the dialogue at times seems inane, and plus it lacks tension in certain places and the killer wasn't scary looked more like a gay porn star, I was more like falling in love than fearing his presence, but he did do some pretty decent kills, quite slick. But I just thought that this movie could have pushed the boundaries a bit more, as it doesn't feature any sex scenes which did kind of disappoint me in a way, but I still found this movie really fun and entertaining and the set pieces were shot brilliantly, like the carnival, the nightclubs and the final chase were all made decent good use off.

Another factor that I liked about this movie was the decent cast that could have easily been one dimensional typical gay characters that feature in TV shows but gladly they weren't they were well rounded and well written firstly there was Dylan Fergus who plays the obvious final boy Eddie was just heart-warming and lovable, well at ease in his role and someone to root for in the end. Bryan Kirkwood who plays the love interest to Eddie was rugged and cool in his leather jacket and made the romance sub plot interesting and wanting more. Hank Harris who plays the shy boy Joey whose in love with the football player was very likable and gave a quite touching performance, definitely one of those characters that you'll miss. Andrew Levitas who plays the slutty character Chaz was a definite stand out for me, he oozed charm and worked well with the material he was given. And finally Matt Phillips as the drag queen Tobey, who to be honest annoyed me at first, I dunno maybe it's the fact that we never see him out of the drag costume, but I warmed to him as the movie went on, okay his acting wasn't perfect but he still had great chemistry with the other cast members.

All in all "Hell-Bent" is a fun enjoyable movie that although doesn't offer new (apart from the gay angle) to the slasher genre or change your life in any way, it's still entertaining.
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