a good deed indeed
18 July 2012
My ex-girlfriend (reconnected with recently on FB after 46 years) said I really needed to see this. She was my best pal when we were both 11 and 12 in 1964/1965.

I don't think I was as colorful as the boy in this movie. I think she was as lovable as the girl in the movie. I think I still love her, all these years later.

They have a lot of fun in this film and venture close to manifesting love in gentle and sweet prepubescent ways.

An incredible cast you surely already know are involved and cudos to Bruce Willis. And Edward Norton. And the rest... all on hat island.

Really great shot setups. Intriguing use of absolute symmetry. It just feels right. Elemental.

The film is even spot on in regards to the relative physical maturity of the kids. The girls is, like girls in general, about a year ahead in terms of physical maturity. Not to suggest that there is nudity or anything purile but only that it is strange to recall how within that span of about 12 months at that age a virtual metamorphosis occurs for adolescents. No wonder they can feel that delirious mix of crush/romanticism. It is truly innocent and glorious; hope you remember that feeling too.

One of my favorite films. I will own it and watch it a dozen times.
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