Babylon Fields (2007 TV Movie)
This was an excellent show, it's a pity it got canceled!
14 October 2012
I think that it was absurd for CBS to cancel this show before it even aired! Although it could be a case of wrong timing. Maybe if they released it now, in the midst of the "zombie craze", it would do better. I was intrigued by the possibilities that the pilot exhibited. What if the dead simply reanimated and came back home, confused, but the same as they were before, if not worse for ware. I am, of course, left with more questions than answers because the writers were never allowed to bring the show to true fruition. I was also struck by the thought that this would have made a great Outer Limits episode, or just a short TV series special (they really need to tie up some loose ends left by the pilot) along the lines of "Life on Mars". Another review on here talks about the pilot being slow and none of the characters really standing out. I disagree, I found that the dramatic pace of the show fit the subject matter very well and I really wanted to know what would happen to the characters eventually. We can only hope that someone picks this show up sometime and makes it into a short special or series. It certainly made me think about what I would do if my grandma and grandpa suddenly showed up at the door for dinner, eek!
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