A Contrast in Choices
30 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The watching of "A Man called Adam" reminds me that we all have choices, even when we make bad ones. Sammy Davis plumbs the depth of despair as a man haunted by the memory of his wife and child's death in an auto accident. The accident occurred while he was drunk and Adam is ruthless in his destruction of himself and those who love him. This is his story and of those who tried to save him. The amazing talent of Mr Davis really allows us a glimpse into this troubled mans world- at once a titan of talent and ability and a captive, of his own choosing in the angst of self hatred. This is not really a story of the price of fame, but of the power of choice. We can choose to look backward, forever condemning ourselves for our mistakes and errors. Or we can go forward and forgive ourselves and allow ourselves a new beginning. God, mercifully, allows U turns. The movie shows us the raw side of life at the top and killing oneself as a result. We have seen this play out so many times in the musical world. Or you could dispense with all the preachy crap and just enjoy the movie for it being a mini time capsule of a fragment of the rat pack-Sammy Davis of course, Peter Lawford and while Sinatra Sr. is not present, his son FAS jr is. He is a decent actor as well. Father of Jazz Louis Armstrong also is here and gives a strong showing. A decent movie, deserving of more than being an obscure mid 60s piece.
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