Review of Alex Cross

Alex Cross (2012)
Matthew Fox OWNS this film, worth it for his performance
18 December 2012
For those of you who maybe haven't heard of Alex Cross before let me give you a couple of other names… 'Morgan Freeman'..'Along Came the Spider'… ring any bells now? Yes this is Alex Cross as in the Sherlock-esque police detective Freeman brought to screen in two previous 90's movies, however this new story arc stands on it's own and quite frankly I think this film has been given an unfair rap. It isn't the best movie out there, no, but it certainly doesn't deserve the amount of 1 or 2 star reviews I have been reading.

In fairness there was one major thing I liked about this film…but it was such a big part that it made the film for me…that was…Matthew Fox.

I LOVED his role in this film. It's almost as though the film deserved to be about him and not Tyler Perry's Alex Cross. Fox plays 'Picasso' a truly twisted and violent hit-man for hire. He starts the film on a clear path to carry out the assassination of 3 high profile people, and after the first is taken care of we see him suddenly sparking the attention of Alex Cross and his team. This is when the film changes. and so does Picasso. Fox plays this character so believably sinister and unpredictable that you are genuinely not sure what he is going to do next. For fans of him from 'Lost' won't believe how he looks in this film. He must have lost around 3 stone in fat, yet bulked up on muscle at the same time..he looks unbelievably bad ass!! When he's on screen you're on the edge of your seat wondering what will happen, and in a totally non-sicko way, I found myself routing for him the entire film.

Now the bad bits… I thought Tyler Perry was wrong for this film. We are used to seeing him in drag in stupid terrible comedies and letting him take on a role made famous by Morgan 'frickin' Freeman was a mistake. He does nothing to command the screen and every time he is there doing his sherlocky CSI sh*t I was waiting for him to go away so I could see Picasso again. Not a good sign for your leading man.

I would actually love to see a spin off based on Fox's character..i would definitely pay to see that, but otherwise this one is probably going to end up going under the radar as one of those under-rated movies that only a few people appreciate.
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