Alter Egos (2012)
Very low budget but creative superheroes movie
30 January 2013
This is a superheroes movie that is a independent film so of course it's not going to have a large budget. And I think that is where most of the negative reviews for this movie is coming in. Because there isn't enough superheroes action with superpowers. But that isn't the intention and direction for this movie. Usually superhero movies that have superpowers cost a lot of money to make. That is why quite a bit of independent superhero or superheroes movie has vigilantes with no powers. In this case superheroes does have powers but they just don't have the support of the people or financial backup from the government anymore. If your looking for a superhero movie with a lot of action and fighting with superpowers you might be disappointed. What this movie does off is cleverly integrated story about superheroes and their relationships and what happens behind the scenes. There is quite a bit of effort that has been put into this movie and it just didn't seem like the makers make this movie just for the sake of making a movie. But carefully planned and put it all together with the limited resources they had. The actors and actress are not well known or anything but they put on fine performances and matched the tone of this movie. One of the actors really reminded me of Robert Downey, Jr. This is a low budget superheroes movie that doesn't have a lot of action but has a creative premise and certain charm to it.

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