Dead Space 3 (2013 Video Game)
No true improvement since part one, still a disappointment
14 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
"Dr. Doctor: We must split up into two teams: Team A and Team B. Team A will consist of myself, Stan, Kyle, Eric, Chef, and Nurse Goodly. Team B will consist of Kenny. Now, listen closely, Team B. Your goal will be to turn on the backup generator. To do this you must brave the storm outside and get into this sewage duct. Meanwhile, Team A will go to the holding area, here where there is a television, and some cocoa. We will drink the cocoa and watch family programming until Team B makes it through the sewage duct. By that time, Team B, remember that's you Kenny, should reach the outer core of the generator. It will be a cold and dangerous climb to the top, and there could be velociraptors here. Once you reach the top, you should be able to get a clear view from this window of us drinking cocoa and watching television. Then, you could proceed down into the generator, and power it on. Are there any questions?"

Do you remember this South Park episode? Dead Space constantly reminds me of it. The saddest thing is that the guys at Visceral haven't received full frontal and harsh critics - like Assassin's Creed 1 did - after making the first Dead Space game, otherwise they could have fixed their mistakes already. That would have been the best thing that could have happened with the franchise.

Because of the lack of improvements this third installment of Dead Space is still annoyingly repetitive, dull, not to mention the serious game design issues and flaws in controlling and camera handling. The story is ridiculously lame, and the game itself can barely motivate the gamer to walk from point A to B to cut through hordes of unkillable monsters and solve dull puzzles.
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