Few adult fantasies reach this peak
15 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Funny thing about Robert Downey, Jr. When he was younger I felt that he was one of the most gifted young actors around, particularly in light/sentimental comedies (e.g., "Only You", "Chances Are"). But, I was appalled by his personal behavior, particularly his drug addictions. Then he cleaned up his act, for which I admired him a great deal. But he seemed to lose the ability to play that very special kind of charming, romantic comedy. And frankly, I haven't been very impressed with most of the work he has done since. Ah well, such is life.

This film has to be one of the most charming...well, it's not really a comedy at all (although it has its share of humor)...charming fantasies I've ever watched. Sentimental, humorous, even thought provoking. And Robert Downey, Jr. clearly steals the show...particularly in his performances when the other dead co-stars take over his body.

That he so dominates the film is surprising since he is not in the first third of the film, and is acting with some very formidable performers. Charles Grodin plays, well, Charles Grodin here...but that's perfect for the part. Alfre Woodard is simply superb as the mother taken away from her children. Kyra Sedgwick is delightful as the young woman who made a bad decision romantically while still living. And Tom Sizemore is authentic as the Italian light thief. I give this praise while saying that I've never been a fan of either Sizemore or Sedgwick.

It's rare that I give an "8", but this film sets a high for standard for adult fantasies. Bravo! Highly recommended!
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