Don't jump to conclusions.
23 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
One of the problems with this show is the lack of original plots. As far back as "I Love Lucy" and "The Honeymooners", the use of jumping to a conclusion has been used over and over. While Mr. Beauchump is dictating a letter, he is bothered by two flies. Millie over hears him saying how he'd love to get rid of those two flying pests, after recommending that Maggie's contract be renewed. Back at their apartment, Maggie is making coffee. Millie comes in upset. Millie is looking through the want ads. She doesn't tell Maggie what's wrong. Millie says she heard Mr. Beauchump is firing Maggie. Now Maggie is upset. Millie writes a resignation letter. Maggie helps write it. Millie mails it. later that day, Mr. Beauchump comes by their apartment to tell Maggie that her contract is being extended. Millie walks in. Maggie tells Millie she's being extended. Millie is confused because she mailed the letter. They ask the postman if they can have their letter back. He can't help. The next day Beauchump is showing his secretary a rare butterfly. Millie come sin with a present to hopefully break the ice. Her gift, a paperweight smashes the prized butterfly. Millie tries all sorts of schemes to get into Mr. Beauchumps's office and get the letter. Millie sees the window cleaner's cable and devises a plan where she'll use the scaffold to break in to the office while Maggie distracts him. Millie is caught on the window ledge. Beauchump thinks she is going to commit suicide. He talks her into coming back inside and says she can keep her job. Millie is stuck with vertigo. Beauchump walks out on the ledge to help. He has a fear of falling from high places. Millie sneezes and jumps. He does too. Millie keeps her job but gets a scolding.
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