From a Bird's Eye View: All in a Day's Work (1970)
Season 1, Episode 13
Nice work if you can get it. A Cute episode.
26 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Movie star Greg Phillips is crazy about Millie.He drank too much during the flight, and photographers snapped a picture of Millie helping him off the airplane. The caption indicated that Millie was his latest flame. Greg knocks on the girls' door. He is a gentleman after all. He got Millie a present from Medico City because she was so nice. He wants to treat the girls to breakfast. Uncle Burt barges in. He demands explanation. Burt is suspicious. Millie explains that they meet men all the time. Burt wants her to quit. It's a bad life. Millie invites Burt to fly to Rome with them and see how it's like. Against his wishes, he's on the plane. Incidentally, the plane is held up because they are waiting for Greg Phillips to embark. He is throwing a real party in Rome later that night. Greg invites them to his bash. Millie tries to calm Burt. They get a suite and Uncle Burt is distrustful of every man he sees. Burt wants a nap. The girls receive an invitation to a costume party aboard Greg's yacht.Millie feels guilty about leaving Uncle Burt alone, and Maggie won't o without her. Maggie has a scheme to get Burt drunk after dinner. He'll sleep and they sneak out. Millis goes costume shopping. They come back from dinner. the girls pretend to be tired, but Burt is a dynamo until he discovers the magic fingers attached to the bed. He inserts the coins, and falls asleep on the massager. They push the bed into the nest room. Burt wakes up and tells Millie he is sorry for doubting her. He then goes back to bed. Millie has a guilt trip, but goes to the yacht party. Millie is mad at Greg. She slaps him and goes back to the hotel. She wakes Uncle Burt. Millie's conscience bothered her. Greg and Maggie come by to make things right. Greg apologizes to Burt and invites him to come to the party as a chaperon. They end up having a grand time.
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